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Control the Lighting Automatically at Your Augusta Home

Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Augusta’s innovative Lighting Control Automation® (LCA) technology provides effortless control of your home’s indoor and outdoor lighting. The smart timer can do more than turn on lights at dusk. It can control all indoor and outdoor electric outlets as well. Imagine the benefits:

  • Create “zones” to control groups of lights and appliances at the flip of a switch.
  • Turn off every lamp in a room from a single switch.
  • Dim the lights in a zone for energy savings or mood lighting.
  • Control the lighting in the room for perfect TV viewing–at the flip of one switch.
  • Have your outdoor lights automatically come on at dusk.
  • Flip on a path of dimmed lights to avoid waking family members.
  • Control all the outlets in your entire home from a central keypad.
  • Turn off every light in your house from centrally installed keypads.
  • Have “zones” set to turn on and off automatically so your home looks occupied.
  • Our LCA system automatically adjusts to daylight savings time for you.

These are just some examples. The flexibility of our Lighting Control Automation system gives you convenience you’ve never imagined. We can set up any configurations of lighting zones and can program each zone to automatically turn lights on and off at specified times–or even to dim the lights. You can manually override the lighting too, from installed keypad controls.

And best of all, you don’t have to be home for service calls. We can turn your system on or off without needing access to your home, via a laptop computer. And, you can learn to program/operate the system remotely from your computer. Call today! (706) 690-4326

Exterior home with controlled lighting

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Outdoor Lighting Perspectives

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