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Enjoy your Naples garden against the Florida night sky with our enchanting garden lighting designs

As spring quickly approaches our thoughts turn to greener lawns, spending more time outdoors and especially in the garden. Spring is the season of renewal. As homeowner’s we anticipate the arrival of colorful bulbs, blooming perennials and trees to mark the beginning of the outdoor season. As the days progressively become longer and warmer we spend countless hours within our landscapes adding color to our yards.  Private gardens such as water gardens and flower gardens are a favorite among Naples residents. Our extended warm weather allows cultivation of flowers and plants that are unique and exciting. Hibiscus, Bougainvillea and other tropical additions are enjoyed year round here in Naples, where in other climates they are only seasonal favorites. With all the excitement surrounding buds and blooms the addition of garden lighting can bring your spring gardening to a new level of enjoyment.

Benefits of garden lighting in your flower garden

Backyard LightingOne of the biggest benefits of adding garden lighting within your flower garden is the way it enables you to use your garden at night. Most avid gardeners are already aware of the impact outdoor lighting can make within a flower garden. Being able to watch as the magic unfolds as plants and flowers explode with color against the night sky is truly mesmerizing. Some flowers are strictly night blooming, such as the fragrant Brugmansia, also known as an “Angel’s Trumpet”. These plants close their colossal trumpet-like blooms during the day. In the evening the Brugmansia opens fully and exudes an aroma that is sweet and unforgettable. Your garden will take on a whole new look and feel with the addition of garden lighting; colors like purple and blue appear more vivid than during the day. The act of simply walking through a well-lit garden in the evening can lift your spirits and heighten relaxation.

Benefits of lighting your water garden

Water gardens add a feast for the senses within the landscape. Koi ponds, waterfalls and dry streams enchant you with the sound of trickling and circulating water. In almost all water gardens the area at the base or surrounding the structure itself is accented by flowers, low growing shrubs and ornamental grasses. The water feature paired with the water garden which surrounds it supplies double the pleasure and enjoyment. Take these two elements, and add water garden lighting into the mix. The results from adding outdoor lighting to your water feature and water garden include seeing the light dance off the movement of the water. Adding lighting will also enhance the beauty of all planting materials used in your water garden design. Colors are brighter and greens appear greener with outdoor lighting. If your water garden is not in close proximity to an outdoor space such as a deck or patio, add an elegant bench nearby so that you may get the full enjoyment of this winning combination – your water feature +  a surround of plants and flowers + water garden lighting = unforgettable!

Whether you enjoy gardening as a hobby, or consider yourself an avid gardener, beautiful landscaping and gardens are a great way to add beauty and curb appeal to your home. If you are looking for a way to make the fruits of your labor more beneficial this spring, consider outdoor lighting. Contact Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Naples to learn more today (239) 970-9554
