No two outdoor lighting systems are exactly the same, because no two homeowners are exactly the same. Tastes are different, landscapes are different and homes are different. To ensure that our clients are satisfied with their lights for years to come, we offer a free nighttime design demonstration.
A nighttime demonstration includes a design consultation and a temporary system. First, one of our trained outdoor lighting designers will sit down the homeowners and discuss the goals of the system. While aesthetics are the most common reason to start the conversation, we often hear that homeowners are concerned about certain parts of their property being too dark at night. We’ll ask you about features of your property you would like to highlight and if there is a particular mood you’d like to set.
After the consultation, the owners are left indoors while the designer goes outside to set up a temporary lighting system. Battery operated outdoor lighting fixtures are placed in the exact spots that the permanent system would be installed. The homeowners are then invited back outside to see their home illuminated.

When the temporary system is set up, that’s the time to make updates, tweaks and changes to perfect the design. This is done in concert with the designer and the homeowner. The homeowner, for instance, may find out that they want to highlight parts of the property that they didn’t initially expect. For example, while walking the property with the lights, the homeowner may realize that part of a walkway is too dark. We can add a path light right then and there so that a new appointment doesn’t need to be set up.
Homeowners love the free design demonstration because there are no surprises. Once the design is agreed upon, it is marked for the install. The installers will have notes on the exact fixtures and the exact placement. For the homeowners, the impact the lights make will be remarkable. One day they’ll come home to a dark property and then next, it will be full of light!
And, your designer and installer will drive by at night some time to make any necessary adjustments.
If you are looking to hire an outdoor lighting company, I encourage you to ask if they offer a free nighttime design demonstration. Trust me, you’ll feel better if you see the lights on your home before you purchase. Please give your nearest Outdoor Lighting Perspectives office call if you have any questions or concerns.