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Redmond Path Lighting

Improve Safety & Sure-Footing with Premium Redmond Path Lighting for Your Sidewalks, Driveways, and Gardens

At Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Puget Sound, one of our most beloved landscape lights is the gorgeous and versatile path light. Adding Redmond path lighting to your property is a fabulous idea for improving the safety of navigating your property after dark. Path lighting prevents trips and falls while adding beauty, security, and more. If you’re not sure how path lighting can benefit your property, check out these fabulous ideas below.

Illuminate your Paths

In Redmond, we pay the price for long summer days with the longest winter nights. Adding path lighting around your home and property is an important way to make sure those you love can see to navigate at night safely.

Path Lighting for Driveway Visibility

Redmond area driveways are rarely straight and flat! Most have curves or steep inclines and may even be surrounded by landscape walls. Driveway lighting is an extremely popular request, and path lights are a perfect solution. Acting as a runway strip for your driveway, path lights will help you stay on the driveway, navigate the turn and curves, and avoid damaging turf or your car in driveway mishaps.

Landscapes Love Path Lights

One of the most versatile fixtures in our arsenal, the path light is commonly used in landscapes. Their height and light output are perfect for subtle illumination of flowers and shrubbery. We love to employ them along the front of homes so they can shine their beautiful light on both the path and the flowers in the landscape beds.

Redmond Path Lighting Company

Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Puget Sound is proud to offer the best-quality path lighting for your home. 

When you choose us for your path lighting needs, you can count on:

  • Copper & Brass Fixtures with Lifetime Warranties
  • Premium LED Components
  • Customized Design for your Property
  • Meticulous Installation
  • Our Dedication to Servicing Your System Now and in the Future

If you’re ready to add path lighting to your landscape, walkways, driveway, and more, give us a call today to schedule your free nighttime demonstration.

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