Is your home or business in need of better security? Does the thought of extensive security systems and punching in codes every time you come and go, make your stomach churn? Or do you need a deterrent against potential break-ins to keep your alarm system from being too little too late? With gorgeous Seattle outdoor lighting, you can add security to your home or business that will deter intruders instead of alerting you after the attempt has already been made.

Security Lighting At Home
Home is where the heart is. If you’ve ever experienced the violation of a break-in, you understand how much that can destroy the safety and warmth you feel at home. With the addition of stunning Seattle outdoor lighting, we can make your home more secure against would-be intruders. A well-lit home will cause a potential burglar to keep going. Intruders don’t want to risk a run-in or getting caught, they want to get in, take stuff and get out.
We’ll illuminate your home’s entire exterior, especially near doors and windows, side entrances and dark back corners. If you have a waterfront home on Lake Washington or Puget Sound, we can make sure your home always looks occupied from the water. Creating the same effect a well-lit front yard can have from the road; visibility for neighbors to see if someone is climbing through a window, which will deter most potential violations.
Commercial Security Lighting
Owning a business can be a challenging adventure. With so much at stake you may feel overwhelmed with the liabilities of theft or loss. With help from Outdoor Lighting Perspectives, you can have peace of mind that your Seattle business is more secure with proper outdoor lighting. Not only will we make your building more secure against theft and loss but also against liabilities that can come with a dark entryway or back alley that leaves you vulnerable to personal injury from criminals or trip and falls. We’ll make sure your entryways, windows, and other access points are well-lit to deter after hour break-ins. In addition, illuminating parking lots and walkways will make you and your guests feel secure when coming and going.
In addition to our vast outdoor lighting techniques, we also offer automated lighting systems that can keep your home or business looking occupied when you are away.
At Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Puget Sound, we will create a custom outdoor lighting system for your home or businesses unique needs. Even with security as the goal, you’ll gain a beautiful night time aesthetic that is sure to impress your friends or customers. Call today for a free nighttime outdoor lighting demonstration. (425) 414-8885