Curb appeal: does the thought of it make you want to drop all other responsibilities and run outside to work in your front yard? Then, when night falls, can you see the results of that work? Does the beauty of your flower beds, shrubs and trees disappear from sight after sunset?
There’s a lot to be said for the therapeutic benefits of digging in the dirt, of course. And when it comes to curb appeal … the more time you put into your front yard, the higher your curb appeal quotient. Why lose all the benefits of your hard work when the sun goes down?
Say Hello to Seattle Landscape Lighting!
Your home and front yard can be just as beautiful at night as in the daylight — maybe even more so. The dramatic effects of subtle landscape lighting can take curb appeal to a new level of spectacular. Whether you do the gardening yourself or hire a crew to assist, you can’t help being proud of what you’ve accomplished. You deserve to have that view visible at night, too. More than visible, because landscape lighting will enhance the best features of your yard in ways that even daylight does not.

A professional outdoor lighting designer from Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Puget Sound can show you how landscape lighting will accentuate your favorite shrubs, trees and flowers — even a fountain or garden statue. We offer a free design consultation so you can show us the features you want to highlight as focal points. After we meet with you at your home, we’ll design a landscape lighting plan for your yard, and we’ll even come back to show you a nighttime demonstration at no cost if you’d like.
Professional Landscape Lighting Design Makes the Difference
We use several different types of LED outdoor lighting fixtures and special lighting techniques to show off each favorite element of your landscape. We know how to bring out the best in the landscape you’ve worked hard to create. While you could purchase fixtures and bulbs at your home improvement store, it’s the professional lighting design and installation that makes all the difference. Our lighting designers have skills they’ve worked hard to develop with years of experience in this art form. Yes, landscape lighting design is an art form! We think you’ll agree when you see the nighttime curb appeal your home gains from landscape lighting.
Landscape lighting is so often used for our favorite outdoor living spaces in the backyard, but it can create dramatic curb appeal for the front of your home, too. Call us at (425) 414-8885 today to schedule a design consultation and free nighttime demonstration to see how Seattle landscape lighting can transform your home.