“I think that I shall never see … A poem lovely as a tree.” We agree.
It’s a shame that wordsmith and poet, Alfred Joyce Kilmer, wasn’t alive today to see what the innovative outdoor lighting designers at Outdoor Lighting Perspectives are doing to trees. What’s the big news? Color – vibrant and luminous color – in as many shades and hues as you could possibly imagine.

Colored tree lighting is becoming the rage throughout Nashville thanks to OutdoorLights.com. Here’s proof.
Watch Your Trees Come To Life In Ways That You Never Dreamed Possible
The secret to our colored tree lighting here in Nashville is RGB. The RGB in our colored tree lighting custom installations stands for Red, Green, and Blue.
Using those three basic colors, you can now create a virtual rainbow of colored tree lighting combinations with a touch of your finger – and you don’t even have to be outside to make that magic happen.

“How many different colored tree lighting combinations?,” you ask. How about more than 16,000,000 hues of light. Honest.
The Science Of RGB Colored Tree Lighting
RGB, or trichromatic white LEDs, use multiple LED chips emitting red, green, and blue wavelengths. LEDs using our color-mixing principle can emit a wide range of colors by changing the proportions of light generated in each primary color. This allows full color mixing in lamps with LEDs of different colors.
Pick A Tree – Any Tree – Then Select The Colors You Would Like To Broadcast Upon It
As we head into the month of May, those delicately beautiful white lacy blooms on Flowering Dogwood trees provide a perfect canvas to showcase the versatility of our innovation RGB colored tree lighting technology.
Cyclically, Flowering Dogwood trees produce reddish, yellow, deep-purple, and burgundy leaves in autumn and bright red fruit that feed wildlife and birds during the winter. But now in spring – and during any season of the year – you’re in charge of nature as you select what palette of color to showcase on the trees in your landscape.

On the other end of the tree spectrum, those with thicker, more dense foliage make for outstanding candidates for colored tree lighting. Imagine how splendidly different your Cottonwood and River Birch trees will appear blessed with blushes of color you never even imagined possible before now. And Sassafras trees – Fuggedaboutit! Their growth of from 35 to 50 feet, and their leafy branches that grow in a beautiful horizontal pattern, just may become the ultimate colored tree lighting canvas. Now there is no need to wait until the fall season to watch their brilliant green foliage clusters turn a golden or red shade. In the dead of summer, you can create that same magic, with Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Nashville. To date, we haven’t been able to change their nice, fragrant scent, but we’re working on that, too. (Wink, wink).

Amazing textures. Incredible effects. The ability to evoke a special feeling. It is all now possible with elegantly designed colored tree lighting.
Nashville Professional Colored Tree Lighting Designs Are Just A Mouse Click Away
You can now make the magic happen as the sun sets throughout the Nashville area thanks to our colored tree lighting. To schedule a complimentary demonstration – or better yet to schedule your custom installation – call us at 615-697-4629. You can also click right here to connect to our colored tree lighting team.

David Todd with Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Nashville.