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It's October. Guess what time it is?

Sprinkler blowing out waterPicture: The Conserva Irrigation sprinkler blowout will get all the water out of your lines before the freeze. 

October is a transitional month. We finally give in to the fact that it’s time to put our summer furniture away for the winter. We start thinking about the string of holidays that are upcoming. We take care of any other outdoor maintenance to protect our home and yard before the first freeze settles in. That means it’s time to blow out your sprinkler system and we know just the right company to do your irrigation winterization – Conserva Irrigation of Northern Ohio

Sprinkler blowing out waterOutdoor Lighting Perspectives now offers irrigation services with its sister company – Conserva Irrigation. Conserva is founded on the principles of saving water used for irrigation. Just as we help save electricity used for lighting, we help our Cleveland area customers save water used for irrigation. How do we do that? Traditional sprinkler systems are programmed to water your yard at particular times to ensure your lawn and landscaping stay healthy and vibrant. The critical flaw with programmed irrigation is that it doesn’t take Mother Nature into account. Quite often Mother Nature will do a great job of watering for you! The problem is your traditional irrigation system still waters your yard come shine or rain. Conserva Irrigation works with Toro smart irrigation technology. The Toro EVOLUTION controller ensures that your system only waters your lawn when your lawn needs to be watered.

Blowing air through your irrigation system will make any standing water bubble up to help us find leaks and broken heads

Our environmentally conscious Northern Ohio homeowners invest in environmentally sound technology including LED outdoor lighting as well as smart irrigation. We also are careful to protect our investments by appropriately servicing our outdoor systems. Before the first freeze, Conserva Irrigation will blow out your sprinkler system for only $65. There’s no catch. It really is just $65. Not only do we blow out your irrigation system with air, we take that opportunity to check each head and your drip lines for any leaks or malfunctions that may not be evident when water is flowing through your system.
