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For Patio Lighting in Pepper Pike, OH … Would You Choose Ambiance or Party Lighting – Or Both?

What is a patio in Pepper Pike, OH, without patio lighting? A lot of quick answers come to mind. Dim. Dark. Boring. Uninviting. Uninspiring. A place you don’t really want to be in the evening …

Does that describe your Pepper Pike patio? Let’s see what we can do to turn it around!

At Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Northern Ohio, we love patio lighting! Nothing can transform your patio at night more than professionally designed and installed patio lighting. You can buy beautiful patio furniture and add colorful pillows and such, but without effective patio lighting it all disappears after dark. Candles are fun but they can’t quite carry off the task of lighting a patio beyond a flicker.

Time after time our clients tell us they were amazed at how much more often they used their patio in the evenings once they had patio lighting installed. We are never surprised to hear that.

What Kind of Patio Lighting Will You Select?

When our outdoor lighting designers meet with homeowners to talk about what kind of patio lighting they want for their home, we usually get two different answers – and then we have some clients who want both. Go for it!

deck lighting in backyard

  • Subtle Patio Lighting For Visibility, Ambiance and Safety

Many of our clients choose patio lighting for ambiance. Whether they want the mood to be romantic or just friendly and welcoming, they appreciate the effects of carefully-placed lighting.

Our lighting designers are just that, designers. Think of them as being like interior designers you might hire to decorate your home. Instead of working with fabric, floor coverings, furniture and art, they work with light. Your lighting designer from Outdoor Lighting Perspectives will visit your home and gather information by studying and measuring your patio.

Patio lighting is considered a form of landscape lighting. Your Pepper Pike, OH, lighting designer will take note of any nearby trees, especially if you have trees with branches overhanging the patio, where lights might be installed. They will also take note of shrubs or flower beds lining the patio, as well as container gardens on your patio.

outdoor patio lights on home

Subtle lighting tucked here and there is so much more appealing than a few bright spotlights on your patio. Our goal is to provide just enough light, but not too much. We also make an effort to have the effects of the lighting draw your attention rather than the actual lights themselves.

When we achieve the right level of ambiance with lighting, we add visibility to your patio in the process. Just enough, but not too much. We also address any safety issues where lighting might make your patio safer at night. An example of this would be a multi-level patio where lighting will help you and your guests see a step down or a step up.

string of lights up close

  • Festive Patio Lighting for Special Occasions and Everyday Fun

When we talk about party lighting, we’re talking about strings of LED bulbs that we install to ring or criss-cross overhead to create a festive vibe around your patio. For this we look for places we can attach a string of lights, for example the eaves of your home, a pergola or a tree. We will make it work!

While you might have these festive string lights installed for a party or other special event, once they’re up, most of our clients don’t want to have them removed. Any evening can feel like a special occasion when you have festive string lighting around your patio. The good news is our high-quality string lighting is made to be permanent and can stay up year-round. These lights are made to withstand all kinds of weather.

outdoor deck with enhanced lighting

  • Why Choose Just One? Have it Your Way … Have it All!

As your patio lighting installer in Pepper Pike OH, we have the technology to install landscape lighting for patio ambiance and festive party lighting, too, on two different switches. You can have both! On any given night, you can select subtle lighting for ambiance or festive lights for a party … or you can turn both on at the same time. It’s your home, so you can do that!

Look No Further for Your Patio Lighting Installer in Pepper Pike OH

Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Northern Ohio is local; we’re nearby, and we want to design and install your Pepper Pike patio lighting. We usually include patio lighting as part of a landscape lighting project for other parts of your yard, as well, so let us know if that’s something you’re interested in, too.

Our professional lighting designers and installers use the highest quality outdoor lighting fixtures when we install landscape lighting at your home. Because outdoor lighting is all we do, we are better at it than companies that specialize in other work, such as landscaping, and provide outdoor lighting as a sideline. Our lighting designers and installers are talented, trained and experienced, and their work is impeccable.

We use LED lighting because of its pleasing color and amazing energy efficiency. These outdoor lights will not burn up your electric bill! Finally, we provide the best warranties anywhere on transformers, LED bulbs and fixtures.
