Take a look at this beautiful home in the Moreland Hills are of the Chagrin Valley. When these homeowners gave us a call, they were looking for lighting for their home, for their grounds and also for their stunning backyard water feature. That is exactly what we designed and installed. Take a look.
As outdoor lighting designers, we know the importance of looking at the whole picture. With outdoor lighting design, the goal is not to illuminate everything but rather to illuminate strategically to meet the desired objectives. When entering a property, elegant but effective driveway lighting is critical. You want to make sure that family and guests safely navigate everything from the entrance to your property to the entrance to your front door. You want to make sure that no wayward tires find your driveway landscaping. Notice how this lighting gently illuminates both the drive and the landscaping that adorns the driveway. The entrance pillar is also illuminated to mark the property entrance and to enhance the aesthetics of the long meandering drive.

After safely traversing the driveway, you arrive at this lovely home. The home has a stucco facade with stone details. Several architectural reliefs add visual interest and depth to this majestic facade. Our illumination is very understated ensuring that the focus is on the home and not on the lighting itself. Notice the way the stone details can be seen from this distant vantage point.

A closer look from the circular drive reveals the lighting on more of the home’s facade. The uplighting from behind the front shrubbery illuminates the texture change from the stone to stucco. The entire height of the facade can be seen through deft selection and placement of the architectural lighting.

Around the back of the home is this magnificent water feature. The water meanders down several terraced levels with stack stone details on the outer retaining walls. A variety of different landscaping adorns the water feature. Selectively, we identified a few focal landscaping elements to illuminate ensuring to enhance the lighting of the entire water feature while not distracting attention from the cascading water itself. The beautiful landscaping was done by top local landscaper Terrie Ries.

As the sun sets behind this water feature, you can see somehow gentle, yet how effective the water feature illumination is. With strong lighting, your eye is always drawn to what is illuminated and not to the lights themselves. As this water takes its long path into the lower pool, you can see the different stones and hints of various levels where it cascades to the next level.

Commercial-grade path lights are used along this home’s paths. This home is quite contemporary and the contemporary style lights play nicely off the cable rail detail. Also, notice how the fan pattern in the concrete path can be seen at night. Not only is the path safe for traversing but the subtle texture details can be appreciated at night.

If you are considering adding outdoor lighting to your Moreland Hills, Bedford Heights, Highland Hills, Shaker Heights, Russel, Bainbridge or Bentleyville home in the Chagrin Valley, give us a call for a free demonstration at your home.